Marla Berger of Berger Counseling Services & Tomorrows Rainbow hosted an open house for local therapists many of whom are working with MSD students and families on March 19th demonstrating Equine Assisted Psychotherapy & Learning to help children, teens & adults in our community dealing with trauma. One of the tools used was the Calming Lavender Muzzle Oil Rub donated to several of our local equestrian therapy groups by Annie Oakley Natural Perfumery & Owner Renee Highlen Gabet. Renee contacted me at Spectrum right away wanting to help out our local Parkland programs and riders from MSD and her calming oils were a perfect fit with Marla's program. The Lavender Calming Oil can be used for people and horses!

Tomorrows Rainbow has multiple support options for MSD Teens, Siblings & Teachers going on through their local Coconut Creek program. For over twelve years, Tomorrow's Rainbow has provided free grief support groups to children, teens and their families after a loved one has died. Using art, play and miniature horses, Tomorrow's Rainbow supports children through grief and loss. In response to the MSDHS tragedy, Tomorrow's Rainbow will be providing on-going, free grief support groups to MSD high schoolers, siblings and teachers in a safe, supportive environment.
For more information contact Marla Berger, LMHC, ATR, Program Director at Tomorrows Rainbow