Coat Defense Trouble Spot Paste

Coat Defense Trouble Spot Paste

Regular price $26.99 Sale

Fungus and bacteria require moisture to survive and thrive. COAT DEFENSE® TROUBLE SPOT DRYING PASTE provides the skin with a dry environment to enable healing, it continuously draws out moisture, and allows the body to repair damaged cells.

Our customers are surprised by the speed of healing the PASTE facilitates:

  • Scratches / cellulitis – Dries and Draws fungus, bacteria, and general inflammation allowing for dramatic results in 2-4 days

  • Summer / Florida Sores –  Dries, Draws, and shrinks

  • Proud Flesh – shrinks and dries

  • Insect Bites –  cools, calms and  eliminates itch. Draws out poison and inflammation. Horses, Dogs, and especially people

  • Dog Hot Spots – Calms, cools, and the area becomes ignored while healing

  • Acne – as an overnight  mask, the drawing properties have delighted many adolescents!

  • Poison Ivy-stops itch on contact and draws out ooze quickly and painlessly

FEI and USEF compliant