A Day at Tomorrow’s Rainbow for Students in the MSD Zone
Tomorrow’s Rainbow, in partnership with the Broward County public school system Summer Resiliency Program is opening their farm to middle school and high school students in the MSD zone for free Day At The Farm, on July 17th.
Tomorrows Rainbow - Helping the MSD Community Through Group Programs
Marla Berger of Berger Counseling Services & Tomorrows Rainbow hosted an open house for local therapists many of whom are working with MSD students and families on March 19th demonstrating Equine Assisted Psychotherapy & Learning demonstrating how to help children, teens & adults in our community dealing with trauma. One of the tools used was the Calming Lavender Muzzle Oil Rub donated to several of our local equestrian therapy groups by Annie Oakley Natural Perfumery & Owner Renee Highlen Gabet.
For more information on this as well as the many programs for MSD students, families and teachers please contact Marla Berger, LMHC, ATR, Program Director at Tomorrows Rainbow
Show Your MSDStrong Support at Every Riding Event!
Show your support for the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas Students, Faculty & Families at every riding event! The equestrian community in Parkland and our surrounding areas is pulling together for the most important of causes ever! Email Ellie@SpectrumSaddleShop.Com or to get order form! Maroon & White Ranch Shirts in Men's Sizes S-XXL. Ladies White Polo XS- XL. Ladies White Tank S-XL. Limited sizes available.
ERS & Waldhausen First of Many Companies Sending Supplies to Area Groups Offering Equestrian Based Therapy to Students, Faculty & Families of Marjorie Stoneman Douglas in Parkland
Immediately following the tragic shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, two of Spectrum Saddle Shop’s top suppliers voiced their desire to help local groups offering equine therapy to those affected by the horrific event. English Riding Supply (Ovation, Pessoa, Centaur and more) and Waldhausen (well known European supplier) sent grooming and stable supplies, riding equipment, helmets, saddle pads and more in support of these beneficial programs.
International Companies Ariat and Noble Outfitters Support Community Grassroots Movement by Donating #MSDStrong Riding Shirts
A grassroots movement to bolster community pride and strength via equestrian riding shirts was envisioned by Parkland residents Dawn Watt, owner trainer of Wattland II & MSD Mom; Sally Mitchell, MSD Mom & Equestrian Community Leader & Ellie Scofield, Owner of Spectrum Saddle Shop & Galloways Farm. This project is now being supported by Ariat & Noble Outfitters, two of the largest and most successful apparel companies in the equestrian business.
Equestrians Band Together in Support of Parkland Community in School Shooting Aftermath
Spectrum Saddle Shop is rounding up support for local equestrian facilities and groups that are stepping up to help fellow community members in the wake of the tragic shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on February 14, 2018 in Parkland, FL.